Every moment is different and interesting at sea. As a young officer and as a captain’s representative standing on the bridge of your ship keeping a watch. You are in-charge of a ship worth Rs 3,000 crore. These are the kind of responsibilities you have on your shoulders. The thrill is that you are always looking for different solutions. You get into warfare like you have in those video games where aircraft are shot at sight. You get orders to fire away and later you take the decision to fire.
There are different disciplines and specializations in the navy. Among various branches are executive, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering and the logistics branch. In the executive branch, there are various specializations like communications specialist to help ships and aircraft communicate with each other, a gunnery branch to fire missiles. Then there is another branch - anti-submarine warfare branch which looks after everything that happens under water. Then there is aviation specialization and sub-specialization of executive branch that flies aircraft. The navigation branch makes sure that the ship moves safely from one place to another. These are the specializations available in the navy. Choose your field and specialize in that.
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